
Showing posts from July, 2019

Social-Emotional Learning Technology SECTION BREAK

Social-Emotional Learning Technology SECTION BREAK
Emotional intelligence solution for elementary students The Mojo App, a simple to use, yet sophisticated social emotional learning application for elementary students. A quick slideshow with screen shots
Advancing technology. As we continue to use technology to for efficiency and productivity, we need to create a new paradigm and ensure that technology is truly maximize our potential, which means, ensuring our happiness and emotional health. Future of technology, emotional intelligence
Creating emotional intelligence technology starts first with the EQ of the entrepreneurs and technologists. Tom Peters: Technology and emotional intelligence
New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning through Technology By the World Economic Forum. One of the first articles I read about social emotional learning was the need for cost effective, scalable, integrated technology solutions.  The World Economic Forum started addressing this issue in 2016 and 2017, yet still in 2019, little education technology within SEL exists.

Emotional Intelligence & Social-Emotional Learning SECTION BREAK

Emotional Intelligence & Social-Emotional Learning SECTION BREAK The basics of Emotional Intelligence and Social-Emotional Learning.  Emotional intelligence is a theoretical model that focuses on emotions and motivation and their influence on the self, others, and behaviors.  Social-emotional learning is the process to develop emotional intelligence or social-emotional competencies. 

Welcome to the Social Emotional Learning Blog!

Welcome to the Social Emotional Learning Blog! Lifelong happiness through social emotional learning. Welcome! Thank you for joining me at my first blog.  This blog will be dedicated to highlighting the necessary transformation of social emotional learning within education by its integration with technology.  Thank you, MItch